Joma Umigdal

Noa Herrera's project for My Family Story 2024. ANU-Museum of the Jewish People

Noa Herrera

I researched the Tower and Stockade tactic and its significance in the formation of the State of Israel. My great-grandmother, Gani Levin, left Europe and moved to Israel because she was a Zionist. She helped build the settlements that later contributed to the establishment of the State of Israel. My great-grandmother was one of the founders of Kibbutz Mesilot in the Beit She'an Valley. They built the wall and tower overnight and continued until the next day. Within 24 hours, they erected a wall that would defend, with a watchtower at its center. In the Wall and Tower project, 56 settlements and kibbutzim were established. Thank you very much and Am Yisrael Chai!!
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