We are Luz and Mia Kamieniecki and this project is our tribute to the strongest man we have ever met, our great-grandfather Motek Finster, whom we were lucky enough to meet and love very much. We were born prematurely at 6 months of gestation. Motek said: “These twins will survive, do not forget that they have Finster blood” These words were our source of inspiration. In order to complete the project, we collected information, remembered stories he told us, read the book he wrote, watched videos and heard many stories from our parents and grandparents. Both, the written and the model work tells the story of Motek since he was born in Poland, as he survived the Shoá and his new life in Argentina. The model work consists of a bridge that divides this work in two stories, two generations, two different places. On one side you can see everything that has to do with Motek's life, from this birth until the end of the second world war. On the other side, illuminated by the State of Israel, you can see the part where it tells the post-war story, with pictures of his family, in different festivities such as Rosh Hashanah, Pesach, Bris, Bat mitzva, marriages of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, lectures and the book he wrote. We, as the new generations, are the ones responsible for not forgetting any of this, and make sure this will never happen again.