The Journey to the Land of Israel

Ori Elkaslasi's project for My Family Story 2023. ANU- Museum of the Jewish People

Ori Elkaslasi

Great-grandfather Shimon was a Zionist. He studied Hebrew and dreamed of immigrating to Israel.
One day when Shimon was in his room he had a vision. He understood the disaster that was about to happen to the Jewish people and that he had to flee. In the newspaper he read about a Jewish pioneer who was murdered in Israel while guarding the orchards, his name was the same as his, Shimon. Great-grandfather Shimon decided to go to Israel to replace him in the orchards.

Great-grandfather Shimon went on a journey to Israel. He walked, hitchhiked, through France and Italy. There he boarded a ship. When the ship (its destination was not Israel) approached the shores of Israel, Shimon jumped and swam to shore (maybe this story is an exaggeration, grandfather loved telling good stories). In Israel he worked in construction in Tel Aviv and maintained orchards.

After he got married, he moved to Kfar Neter. The last painting is a painting in which he painted Kfar Neter.

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